ADFAM –– Alliance for the Defence of the Family and Marriage
Business Name Reg. No. 593257; Business Name Owner, Séamas de Barra.
Dear All,
Appended is a statement on the 2 Referenda from Dr Joe Kelly of Falcarragh, Co. Donegal. Dr Kelly is an Historian, Teacher Author, and Former Member of the Western Development Commission (WDC). He is a frequent contributor to Highland Radio in Co. Donegal, and has given lectures in Irish on historical topics on the Donegal station of Raidió na Gaeltachta at Doirí Beaga. He is also known by the Irish–language form of his name, Seosamh Ó Ceallaigh. Dr Kelly has a keen interest in politics, local and national. He is a Peace Commissioner, and Commissioner for Oaths.
Not only are the two March 8th 2024 proposed referendums (Amendment 39 [The Family], and Amendment 40 [Care]) a fantasy of the few but they are also arguably repugnant to Ireland’s Constitution.
This is a deliberate distraction by the coalition government of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Greens. Political zealots are using these referendums as a diversion as they look to set aside authenticity and integrity.
What is absolutely clear is that Ireland’s Constitution does not say that a woman’s place is in the home, as falsely claimed by Minister Martin during an RTÉ interview.
The first bond of society is the marriage tie; the next our children; then the whole family of our house, and all things in common.
At a time when people are overburdened with taxation, cost of living and rising prices, these unnecessary referendums are a waste of taxpayers’ money. Nor were these referendum proposals in election manifestos.
The silence of Michael D. Higgins, President and lifelong Labour Party member, is deafening. Given that these proposals were not properly debated and parliamentary procedures were not followed in the Dáil, why has the President not questioned this nor indicated that he may refuse to ‘sign in’ a bill that has not followed procedure?
No political party nor party leader can define what ‘a durable relationship’ is.
Yet they are demanding that the people vote into law the delusional, the unexplained and the unknown.
Not only is a No No vote, on March 8th, protecting the People’s Constitution, but it is also sending a clear message from the People to this coalition government that they, their madness and their divisive policies against the people must go – and go now.
Dr Joe Kelly